Closing the Gap


Evidence of our broken relationships are everywhere.

Fragmented & Polarized

Can we survive this growing fragmentation and polarization?

Closing the Gap Retreats helps us answer these questions and seek solutions together. How we do this? Restorative Justice —Mediation training —Circles —Contemplative practice

Power of Circles

Peacemaking circles are powerful and enlightening. A circle is a shape found throughout the natural world, and it is a symbol of perfection. We recreate this perfect shape when we join others to form a circle. Being in a circle allows us experience each other as equals.

The information we learned at the Closing the Gap Retreat will enable us to be more effective leaders in our ministry! This knowledge should be required learning for anyone who leads teams!

This training opened my eyes to the importance of reconciliation in so many areas of my life. The tools learned in this training can be applied in so many arenas. Both Cheryl & Byron are extremely knowledgeable and confident in their craft. Their years of real life experience allowed time for genuine stories throughout the training, balanced with time for application and constructive feedback. This training is intense in the best way! You will leave feeling renewed, confident and ready to apply new skills to your organization. I highly recommend this training!
Closing the Gap is an incredible training opportunity for anyone interested in learning how to better facilitate difficult conversations. I highly recommend it!!